Sitemap - 2022 - Link Incubator

November 2022 Link Incubator,

attention is all you need

dementia, side-notes in web design

storing data using DNA

that man is my brother

Q&A with my high school self

enemies of reason

Skepticism is just the converse of acceptance

fw🫀Thinking about thinking

⚗️ fw: are people born smart?

fw🫀advice that actually worked for me - what happened to the future?

fw ⚗️: culture is brainwashing you

fw 🌱 the art of Rational Improvisation

fw: 🌱 the greatest troll in Internet history

fw: 🫀 What is reality?

fw🫀: I’ve never had a goal

fw:🫀 exponential growth devours and corrupts

fw:🫀 normative ethics and anti-realism

fw: the Insanity Artist

fw: annotate anything & learn how to speak

fw: Idea Machines ⚗️& losing sleep over Java

fw: ⚗️ Stunning new AI "could be conscious"

fw 🫥 : friendly AI makes sense

fw: ⚗️ Machiavellianism, junk food, a world without jobs

fw:🫀4-monitor computer setup, 37 documentaries & hackers reading list

fw:🫀self-assembling space megastructures and advice for young people

fw: neurodiversity, gene targeting, speed matters

fw: 🫀 8 years of side-projects

FW: 🫀 this is how your thoughts look like

fw: slow down, finish faster

Hearing voices ⚗️

fw: our lack of progress as a species🫀 by Robert

fw: 🫀 why I don’t want stuff

fw: Link Incubator - What’s the right amount of context?

fw: the banality of Genius🫀

fw: what gen Z will be like parents

fw🫀 ergo desk concepts🫀by Robert

fw: on learning small talk🫀by Robert

What's the point of inventing new technologies?

fw:🫀 remix the internet